Project Map
Burkina Faso
Support to internally displaced persons and strengthen the resilience of host communities (PDICA) - Gender equality, access to basic services and social cohesion in the Centre-North region of Burkina Faso
Date: 06/2024 – 03/2026, Client: GIZ (German International Cooperation) -
Environmental and Socioeconomic Impact Assessment (ESIA) - Ac(PMB)1 Release Target Malaria (Burkina Faso)
Date: 01/2024 – 05/2025, Client: Synergy Global Consulting (France) -
Pro-Enfant Programme - Implementation of children's rights in Burkina Faso, Component 3
Date: 07/2019- 06/2025, Client: GIZ (German International Cooperation) -
Country package Burkina Faso: Improving nutrition and hygiene in the family environment in Burkina Faso
Date: 08/2018-12/2025, Client: GIZ (German International Cooperation)
AWARE Expert Pool for human rights and gender equality with technical expertise, especially for advice to organs of the African Union
Date: 12/2024 – 05/2026, Client: GIZ (German International Cooperation) -
Barriers of Out of School Adolescent and Youth for SRH Services in Ethiopia
Date: 09/2024-02/2025, Client: DAB Development Research and Training PLC/ Pathfinder
Strengthening & decentralizing the fight against tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS and reaching vulnerable populations in the Republic of Guinea
Date: 01/2018 – 03/2021 - 2023, Client: Plan International Guinea
Health Systems Strengthening and Epidemic Prevention in Liberia - Curriculum Development (Biostats) and Research Capacity Building at Tubman University (TU)
Date: 11/2022 – 09/2023, Client: GIZ (German International Cooperation)
Support to Pandemic Prevention in the ECOWAS Region – Institutionalising the strengthening of human resources in pandemic prevention in ECOWAS
Date: 10/2022 - 12/2026, Client: GIZ (German International Cooperation)
Improvement of Health Care Provision in Tanzania (IHC2): Capacity Development for EmOMC, Newborn Health and Family Planning
Date: 12/2023-01/2026, Client: GIZ (German International Cooperation)
District Health Management Training, Master Course in International Health
Date: 09/2002-ongoing, Client: Charité Berlin
Study on Minimum Occupational Health Services Packages for the SADC Region Mining Sector
Date: 11/2015-06/2016, Client: Aquity Innovations / International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) -
WHO Ebola Training Review
Date: 09/2015-12/2015, Client: World Health Organization (WHO) -
Generation Dialogues to address Female Genital Cutting
Date: 06-10/2012, Client: German International Cooperation -
Strengthening Reporting and Monitoring in the Health Sector for the Africa Region
Date: 08-11/2010, Client: WHO -
Evaluation of Technical Support to Global Fund Proposal Development in Round 9
Date: 10/2009-03/2010, Client: UNAIDS -
Consulting Services – Operations and Grant Management Support, West and Central Africa
Date: 11/2007-12/2011, Client: The Global Fund to fight AIDS, Malaria and Tuberculosis -
Edition of Best Practices on Abidjan-Lagos Transport Corridor Project
Date: 08-10/2007, Client: ALCO (Abidjan-Lagos Corridor Organization) -
Independent evaluation of UNHCR’s efforts to prevent and respond to sexual and gender-based violence in situations of forced displacement
Date: 08/2007-07/2008, Client: UNHCR -
Support to the regional HIV Knowledge Hubs in Africa
Date: 08/2007-09/2012, Client: German (GIZ) Backup Initiative and WHO -
Country case studies: Experience of the German Development Cooperation in international programmes in Tanzania and Mozambique
Date: 09-10/2004, Client: German Technical Co-Operation (GTZ) -
Feasibility study and proposal development: Programme to combat poverty related diseases in the developing countries: fight against HIV/AIDS
Date: 01-02/2003, Client: German Technical Co-Operation (GTZ) -
Identification and assessment of prospective partner institutions for the forthcoming pro-gramme “Sexual education, HIV and AIDS prevention and reproductive health” for adolescents in Sub-Saharan Africa
Date: 11-12/2001, Client: German Foun-dation for In-ternational Development (DSE); thereaf-ter: InWEnt; today: German International Cooperation (GIZ) -
TSF West and Central Africa
Date: (03/2014 - 03/2018), Client: UNAIDS -
Elaboration of the Health programme of the 11th European Fund for Development (EFD)
Date: DR Congo 04/2015 – 07/2016, Client: European Delegation in DRC -
Tracing and Payment of Compensation Claims of Ex-mineworkers
Date: South Africa, Lesotho, Swaziland, Mozambique and Botswana (07 -12/2016), Client: World Bank -
Fight against Maternal Mortality
Date: Cameroon (04/2016 -12/2017), Client: GIZ (German International Cooperation)
Consulting Services for the Realisation of a Regional KAP Study on SRH
Date: 01-09/2019, Client: WAHO / KfW -
Climate Change and Health in Burkina Faso
Date: 07 – 09/2013, Client: GIZ -
Sexual and reproductive health and youth in Burkina Faso
Date: 04/2013 – 12/2015, Client: GIZ (German International Cooperation) -
Reproductive Health / Human Rights Programme, Component: Family Planning: Community-Based Services for Sexual and Reproductive Health in the Region East, Burkina Faso
Date: 04/2007-12/2009, Client: German Tech-nical Co-Operation (GTZ)
Water and Sanitation Programme – Component: HIV&AIDS Mainstreaming, Prevention and Advisory Services in the Water Sector
Date: 01/2009-06/2013, Client: German In-ternational Cooperation (GIZ) -
HIV/AIDS Prevention and Control Project in Burundi
Date: 01/2004 – 12/2007, Client: German Technical Co-Operation (GTZ) -
Technical assistance to the multi-sectoral approach to the process of decentralising the fight against HIV and AIDS towards local authorities - Capacity development in HIV and AIDS training coordination
Date: Phase I : 08/2008-06/2009 Phase II : 10/2009-04/2010 Phase III : .2011, Client: German International Cooperation (GIZ) GmbH / Backup Initiative SEP/CNLS and CNR
GF Proposal Development Support Abidjan – Lagos Transport Corridor Project
Date: 06-08/2006, Client: ALCO (Abidjan-Lagos Corridor Organization)/ GTZ Backup -
Abidjan – Lagos Transport Corridor HIV/AIDS Project
Date: 2003, Client: German Technical Co-Operation International Services (GTZ IS)
USAID Espoir 2030-Lualaba - Advancing HIV Care through Public-Private Partnerships in the DRC's Mining Hub
Date: 05.2024 - 09.2024, Client: KHETH'lMPlLO-RDC (KI-RDC) -
Scoping study on the operationalisation of an integrated and interoperable electronic surveillance system in the context of "One Health"
Date: 03/2023 - 09/2023, Client: Health System Development Programme Management Unit (UG-PDSS)/ World Bank -
Consulting Services for the Realisation of a Regional KAP Study on SRH
Date: 07/2022-06/2023, Client: OCEAC/ KfW (German Development Bank) -
Strengthening Local Mechanisms for COVID-19 Outreach and Prevention
Date: (04/2021-03/2022), Client: EGPS Trust Fund and World Bank -
Process evaluation of the Gender-Based Violence Prevention and Response Project (GBVRP)
Date: 02-2021/02-2023, Client: World Bank -
Endline Survey for the Intervention “Transforming Masculinities”
Date: 10/2018-02/2019, Client: Institute of Reproductive Health, Georgetown University; funded by USAID -
Feasibility Study on the implementation of a Public Health Laboratory in Bukavu
Date: 09/2018-01/2019, Client: Swiss Confederation (Direction du Développement et de la Coopération - DDC) -
Feasibility Study for BMZ financed Programme in Great Lakes Region
Date: 09-12/2018, Client: medica mondiale e.V. -
Baseline evaluation of Transforming Masculinities in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Date: 05/2016 -03/2017, Client: Georgetown University, Institute of Reproductive Health -
Quality of psychosocial, legal and socio-economic services to victims of SGBV in DRC
Date: 04/2015 – 02/2016, Client: International Rescue Committee -
External Evaluation of the Programme RODHECIC DR Congo
Date: 10-12/2014, Client: Broederlijk Delen VZW -
KAP Study on HIV/AIDS and STI among personnel of the beneficiary firms of the Multimodal Transport Project
Date: 02 - 05/2013, Client: Ministry of Transport and Communication/ World Bank -
Health System Strengthening and Support to the HIV Response in DRC (PRSS)
Date: 01/2013 – 12/2014, Client: GIZ (German International Cooperation) -
TA in the facilitation process
Date: 06-08/2012, Client: Belgian Technical Cooperation -
Pilot Project Study for the Integration of HIV related Activities into the Specific Cultural Context of the Kwango Region in the DR Congo
Date: 07/2010 – 03/2011, Client: Caritas -
Technical Assistance to the Ministry of Public Health DR Congo / CAG in its capacity as designated Principal Recipient for Global Fund’s Round 9
Date: 04-09/2010, Client: Ministry of Public Health DR Congo -
Health in Africa Initiative Market Studies – Health Market Survey Democratic Republic of Congo
Date: 01-06/2010, Client: World Bank / IFC -
Support to Public Private Partnerships - Extending HIV Workplace Programmes to BRALIMA’s supply chain
Date: 12/2009-02/2012, Client: Bralima, Heineken NV / German International Cooperation (GIZ) -
Reintegration programme of ex-combatants and refugees, Component 2 DOCS: “Support to female victims of sexual violence in the 4 Health centres and 5 Hospitals of the Maniema province”
Date: 12/2005-11/2008, Client: CES Consulting En-gineers Salzgitter Ltd; German Devel-opment Bank (KfW) -
CAP Study on the utilization of family kits in the health zones of Kungu, Kenge and Mbaza-Ngungu
Client: UNICEF -
External technical audit of PNMLS’s (National Multisectoral Programme against HIV&AIDS) activities for the years 2008, 2009 et 2010
Date: 09.2010 - 06.2011, Client: PNMLS -
Mid-term evaluation of the projects a) „Development of local psychosocial capacities as a contribution to the promotion of peace in the Great Lakes Region“ and b) “Local women’s organisations rise for women’s rights and against sexualised violence in Sou
Date: (11/2016 - 05/2017), Client: medica mondiale
Health status and needs of autochthon populations in Congo/Brazzaville
Date: 07 – 09/2013, Client: MoH/World Bank
Pro-PASSaR - "Project - Family Planning and Support to the Health System Support for Resilience" - Improving the supply of psychosocial support services
Date: 12/2020-05/2023, Client: GIZ (German International Cooperation) -
Health Programme - Fight against Maternal Mortality – Regional Implementation of the two fields of action SRHR / Family Planning and Human resources / Capacities Strengthening of the teams in selected healthcare facilities
Date: 12/2018-11/2020, Client: GIZ (German International Cooperation)
Evaluation of Health Institutions of the EECMY (Ethiopian Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus) in the Western Church Units
Date: 02-03/2005, Client: Church Devel-opment Service (EED)
Support for operational planning and development of key Capacity Works tools for the Regional Pandemic Preparedness Project (RPPP2)
Date: 10.2021 - 04.2022, Client: GIZ (German International Cooperation) -
Supporting the implementation of MGF activities in the health project in Guinea
Date: 08/2020-05/2022, Client: GIZ (German International Cooperation) -
Reproductive and Family Health Programme: Provision of an International Experts pool to provide technical support for programm activities
Date: 10/2019-09/2023, Client: GIZ (German International Cooperation) -
World Bank “Mamou Region Health Project” (PSRM)
Date: 01 - 06/2018, Client: GIZ International Services (GIZ InS) -
Mapping of private sector healthcare providers in the city of Conakry
Date: 11/2017 - 07/2018, Client: Abt Associates Inc./ USAID -
Primary Education/ Reproductive Health in Guinea
Date: 10/2015 - 09/2018, Client: German International Cooperation (GIZ) -
Health sector market assessment
Date: 05 – 06/2015, Client: International Finance Corporation (IFC) -
PPP Guinea
Date: 10/2013 - 12/2015, Client: Sequa gGmbH -
Midwifery in Guinea
Date: 06 – 10/2013, Client: UNFPA -
Mutual Health Insurances Guinea
Date: 04-12/2013, Client: APNDS/ World Bank -
Implementation of a field study: Planification and utilization of Human Resources in Primary Health Care sector for the next 10 years, financed by World Bank
Date: 09-10/2008, Client: Ministry of Health -
Guinea Alumina Corporation – HIV Programme for Refinery Project
Date: 06/2007, Client: Guinea Alumina Corporation S.A. -
SIDAPES II – Operationalising the country wide M&E system for HIV/AIDS
Date: 06/2007-05/2009, Client: National Com-mittee Against AIDS Guinea (CNLS) -
Field studies: Management capacities of health services in Guinea-Conakry
Date: 02/2005, Client: Ministry of Health Guinea (MOH) -
Development and implementation of a HIV/AIDS Information System for Monitoring & Evaluation in Guinea
Date: 01/2004, Client: National Com-mittee Against AIDS Guinea (CNLS) -
SIDAPES - Development and implementation of a countrywide HIV/AIDS Information System for Monitoring & Evaluation in Guinea..
Date: 01/2004-06/2009, Client: German Technical Co-Operation (GTZ) Backup Initiative -
Feasibility study: Development of a computerised Management Information System for HIV/AIDS Interventions for the CNLS (Comité Nationale de Lutte contre le SIDA) Guinea
Date: 03-04/2003, Client: German Technical Co-Operation (GTZ) -
Assistance to partner countries in working with the Global Fund - Capacity building: Aguip-Plus
Date: 02-03/2003, Client: GTZ Backup Initiative -
Development of National Guidelines for activities in HIV and AIDS prevention and care in Guinea
Date: 11-12/2002, Client: German Technical Co-Operation (GTZ) -
Technical Assistance to the National Committee Against AIDS Guinea (CNLS) – Amelioration of national and regional planning for the fight against AIDS in Guinea
Date: 11-12/2002, Client: German Technical Co-Operation (GTZ) -
Strengthening and decentralization of the national HIV/AIDS response in the Republic of Guinea
Client: PSI
Options and possibilities to integrate the PMTCT sector project component in the Kenyan-German Health Sector Support Programme
Date: 03/2007, Client: German Technical Co-Operation (GTZ) -
Reproductive Health and Health Financing - Community based reproductive health services in Kenya
Date: 01/2005 – 01/2008, Client: German Technical Co-Operation (GTZ)
Evaluation of the ESTHER initiative in Cambodia, Vietnam and Gabon
Date: 06/2006-12/2007, Client: ESTHER (Ensemble pour une Solidarité Thérapeu-tique Hospitalière En Ré-seau)
Capacity Strengthening of actors involved in the implementation of projects funded by the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria
Date: 09/2011-09/2012, Client: The Comoros Country Coordinating Mechanism/ German BACKUP Initiative
Health Systems Strengthening and Epidemic Prevention - Strengthening Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response in Liberia
Date: 11/2021 - 05/2023, Client: GIZ (German International Cooperation) -
Health Systems Strengthening and Epidemic Prevention in Liberia - Curriculum development at Tubman University
Date: 04.2021 - 06.2022, Client: GIZ -
Health System Strengthening and Epidemic Prevention in Liberia
Date: 01.01.2021 - 01.04.2023, Client: GIZ (German International Cooperation) -
Support to the Redemption Hospital isolation facility
Date: 09.2019 - 02.2020, Client: GIZ -
Post-Ebola Health System Strengthening and Epidemic Prevention – Support to the implementation of the National Anti-Microbial Resistance Strategy
Date: 04/2019 – 11/2021, Client: German International Cooperation (GIZ) -
Post Ebola Health System Strengthening Project - Strengthening the health systems research capacity of Tubman University
Date: 11/2018-04/2019, Client: GIZ (German International Cooperation) -
Strengthening the gender responsiveness of pre-service education and HR management of Liberia’s health workforce
Date: 11/2017-11/2018, Client: GIZ
Health System Strengthening in Global Fund supported programs
Date: 10/2016 – 12/2018, Client: BACKUP Initiative (GIZ) -
Strengthening the German contribution to the global AIDS response – Making Global Finance Work for Women and Girls
Date: 10-11/2007, Client: German Technical Co-Operation (GTZ) -
Development of German Technical and Financial Co-operation Strategy in the Health Sector
Date: 07/2003, Client: German Technical Co-Operation (GTZ)
Consultancy for support to the Mozambican delegation at the Transnational Learning Hub 2019
Date: 12/2018-01/2019, Client: GIZ (German International Cooperation) -
Promotion of the Workplace Programme in the Education Sector
Date: 07/2013-06/2019, Client: German International Cooperation (GIZ) -
HIV/AIDS Control Project in Mozambique
Date: 04/2005 – 09/2007, Client: German Technical Co-Operation (GTZ)
Hospital Project Lagos/Nigeria
Date: 03/2012, Client: Lagos State Government -
Provision of Technical Support in the context of Monitoring and Evaluation, Public Health issues and overall Project Management
Date: 11/2004-10/2006, Client: Yakubu Gowon Centre (YGC) -
Technical Assistance (Organisational Development) to the Global Fund CCM Nigeria
Date: 04-05/2003, Client: German Technical Co-Operation (GTZ) -
Technical Assistance to the Global Fund Country Coordinating Mechanism (CCM) Nigeria
Date: 12/2002, Client: German Technical Co-Operation (GTZ)
Evaluation of the German-Rwandan Cooperation in the Health Sector of Rwanda (1980-2012)
Date: 09/2012-04/2013, Client: German Institute for Development Evaluation -
Rwanda Demobilisation and Reintegration Programme (RDRP)
Date: 09/2004-09/2005, Client: Rwanda Demobilization and Reintegration Commission (RDRC) of Government of Rwanda
Support to the CCM North Sudan
Date: 11/2013 - 03/2014, Client: German BACKUP Initiative -
Independent Evaluation of the ACT (Action by Churches Together) / Caritas Darfur Emergency Response Operation
Date: 08-11/2005, Client: Caritas Internationalis
Technical assistance to Sierra Leone on infectious disease outbreak investigation and rapid response
Date: 10/2018 – 10/2019, Client: World Bank -
Technical Assistance to Sierra Leone on Pandemic Preparedness Planning
Date: 10/2018 – 09/2019, Client: World Bank
Realisation of a field study about “Hospital services development in Diourbel region in Senegal”
Date: 11-12/2004, Client: Ministry of Health and Prevention Senegal/Office of General Administration and Civil Works (DAGE) -
Evaluation of Health Sector Support Programme
Date: 10/2003-01/2004, Client: EPOS Health Consultants Ltd.
Mid Term Evaluation of the PASS (Health Sector Support Programme) in Chad
Date: 01-02/2004, Client: EPOS Health Consultants Ltd.
Elaboration of the National Strategic Plan to Fight against Obstetric Fistula
Date: 10-12/2012, Client: UNFPA
Date: (04/2019 – 10/2019), Client: GIZ -
Development and piloting of the EWAR (Early Warning and Response) curriculum in Tunisia
Date: 10/2018 – 09/2019, Client: GIZ -
Development and implementation of a national strategy for risk and crisis communication in Tunisia
Date: 09/2017 – 09/2018, Client: GIZ -
Network evaluation of regional technical support networks for business development and of the regional network for integrated waste management in the MENA region
Date: 10/2010-03/2011 and 06/2012, Client: Sustainum (formerly: Fhochx - Institut für zukunftsfähiges Wirt-schaften GmbH) / GIZ
Improvement of Health Care in Tanzania
Date: 10/2020-03/2022, Client: GIZ (German International Cooperation) -
Supporting Public Sector Workplace Programmes in Tanzania
Date: 06/2007-12/2012, Client: German International Cooperation (GIZ) -
Formulation of Terms of Reference for the Joint Evaluation of the Health Sector Programme in Tanzania
Date: 06-07/2006, Client: Royal Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs (DANIDA) -
Support to the Health Sector Programme – Public Private Partnership (PPP) in Tanzania
Date: 10/2004, Client: German Technical Co-Operation (GTZ) -
Formulation of a draft Approach Paper for Joint Evaluation of the Health Sector Programme in Tanzania
Date: 09-11/2004, Client: Royal Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs (DANIDA) -
Final report SWAp/Monitoring and evaluation
Date: 05/2004, Client: German Technical Co-Operation (GTZ) -
Evaluation of the State-Church-Cooperation on Social Services in Tanzania (“model coopera-tion”)
Date: 06-07/2003, Client: German Technical Co-Operation (GTZ) -
Evaluation of Revolving Drug Funds under CSSC/KfW Phase II and preparatory training activities for CSSC/KfW Phase III – Joint Churches and Government Programme for Sustainable Development in Social Services
Date: 10-11/2002, Client: Christian Social Services Com-mission (CSSC) -
Compilation of Experiences gained in the four Pilot Districts in implementing the Joint Churches and Government Health Programme - District Component
Date: 03-04/2002, Client: Christian Social Ser-vices Com-mission (CSSC) -
Review of waiver and exemption scheme, DANIDA financed
Date: 01–02/2006, Client: Euro Health Group
Master of Medicine in Community Practice (MMCP) Training Programme Uganda – Long-term national component Berlin: Technical and organisational support
Date: 04-12/2004, Client: Capacity Building In-ternational, Germany (InWEnt) -
Programme Management of Master of Medicine in Community Practice (MMCP) Training Pro-gramme in Uganda
Date: 10-12/2003, Client: Capacity Building International, Germany(InWEnt)
Sub-Sahara Africa: University and clinic partnerships (HKP)
Date: 04/2019 – 12/2021, Client: GIZ (German International Cooperation) -
Migrant social protection benefits
Date: 10/2017-08/2019, Client: Southern Africa Trust/ DFID -
Thematic Review on Elimination of Malaria in Southern Africa
Date: 10/2017 -02/2018, Client: The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria -
TIMS, TB in the Mining Sector Southern Africa: Legislative review and dust control toolkit development
Date: (06/2016 -11/2017), Client: WITS HEALTH CONSORTIUM (Pty) Ltd/ The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria -
AYFS South Africa
Date: 06/2015 - 11/2017, Client: German International Cooperation (GIZ) -
Development of sustainable funding model(s) and mechanism(s) with respect to a comprehensive HIV/AIDS programme in the Higher Education sub-sector, South Africa
Date: 11/2007-05/2010, Client: Higher Education South Africa (HESA) -
Evaluation of the EU financed Public Health Sector Support Programme (PHSSP) in South Africa
Date: 01-02/2003, Client: AGEG (German As-sociation of Devel-opment Consultants Coop.)
Evaluation of ECHO funded operations in Zimbabwe during 2002 and 2003
Date: 01-04/2004, Client: GERMAX Gerli Ltd.
Options for Improved Investment in HIV in Honduras: Sythesis of Evidence
Date: 03-10/2013, Client: UNAIDS Honduras -
Real Time Evaluation of UNICEF Honduras International’s Response to the Emergency caused by Tropical Depression Nr. 16
Date: 08-09/2009, Client: UNICEF Honduras
Development of a national RH strategic plan
Date: 05-08/2012, Client: Pan American & World Health Organization
Project for the Reduction of Maternal and Child Mortality in Jamaica (PROMAC)
Date: 03/2014 – 05/2018, Client: The Planning Institute of Jamaica on behalf of the Government of Jamaica/ European Commission
MCR Funding Recipient
Date: 03/2014 – 01/2015, Client: The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria -
SRH among youth in El Salvador
Date: 02-08/2012, Client: World Bank -
Regional HIV/AIDS response in Central America
Date: 18/04/2011 – 10/2014, Client: German International Cooperation
Regional Programme on HIV & AIDS and Substance Abuse Prevention in the Education Sector
Date: 06/2010-12/2011, Client: German International Cooperation (GIZ)
Concept workshop for the development of a Chinese HIV/AIDS online training course
Date: 11-12/2004, Client: Capacity Build-ing Interna-tional, Germany (InWEnt)
Joint Research Project: Improving Governance and Strategic Coordination of HIV and TB Programmes in Kyrgyzstan
Date: 10/2014 – 03/2015, Client: The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria/ Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation
Evaluation on the Projects implemented in Sotnikum OD, Siem Reap Province
Date: 01-02/2008, Client: Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)
Support to the Health Sector Policy Reform and to the Population Programme - Development of Policy framework and Implemenation Plan for the Philippine Sector Development Approach for Health (SDAH)
Date: 03-04/2005, Client: German Technical Cooperation (GTZ)
Evaluation of the Family Planning Project, KfW (German Development Bank) financed, in Pakistan
Date: 08/2003, Client: AGEG Consul-tants eG
Strengthening the Monitoring & Evaluation framework for services and community system strengthening – Country case study Thailand
Date: 11/2009 – 01/2010, Client: The Global Fund
Preventive Health System Support Project – Planning and Programme Implementation, Public Health and Training
Date: 04/2008 – 06/2012, Client: Ministry of Health Vietnam -
Preparation of the Mekong Health Support Project
Date: 01-02/2004, Client: Mediconsult
Sector Programme HIV/AIDS/ PROFILE
Date: 07/2007-12/2012, Client: German International Cooperation (GIZ) -
Evaluation of the InWEnt ILT (Industrielandtraining) programme / Hospital Management
Date: 06/2006, Client: Capacity Building International, Germany (In-WEnt) -
Online presentation of a Trainer Manual “District Health Management”
Date: 12/2003, Client: Capacity Building In-ternational (InWEnt) -
Health Care Financing Development (HCFD) Project in Kosovo – Community Participation Aspects
Date: 11-12/2002, Client: HLSP Ltd. (former IHSD Ltd. and HLSP Consulting) -
Training course: Print media development for Adolescents in Reproductive Health and HIV/AIDS Prevention
Date: 08-10/2002, Client: German Inter-national Coop-eration (GIZ); before: Capaci-ty Building In-ternational (In-WEnt); before: German Foun-dation for Inter-national Devel-opment (DSE) -
Conceptualisation and Implementation of Psycho-Social Support Teams to Foster the Capacities of Staff at Schools and in Learning Centres in Kosovo
Date: 10/2017-2/2018, Client: GIZ -
Workshop „Sexual Education, Prevention of HIV/AIDS and Reproductive Health for Youth”
Date: 05–10/2004, Client: Capacity Building In-ternational (InWEnt)
NGOs Family Planning and Social Marketing of Contraceptives (Phase III) in Albania
Date: 05/2003, Client: German Development Bank (KfW)
Mid-term evaluation of the National Programme for Prevention and Control of HIV/AIDS and STI in the Republic of Bulgaria
Date: 04-07/2014, Client: The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria
Focus group discussions within the DEMIS Project
Date: 05/2012-02/2013, Client: Robert Koch Institute -
Research document on impact measurement of health programmes – Public health part
Date: 09/2010 – 03/2011, Client: German International Cooperation (GIZ) -
Evaluation of the EED consulting approach in the field of HIV/AIDS
Date: 10/2006-01/2007, Client: Church Develop-ment Service (EED) -
Development of HIV/AIDS Online Training Courses for health professionals (German, English, Chinese version)
Date: 07/2003 – 10/2005, Client: Capacity Building International, Germany -
HIV/AIDS Online Training Courses
Date: 07/2003 – 11/2003, Client: Capacity Building International,Germany -
Quality Circle on experiences with and improvement areas in the Infectious Disease Control Programme (IfSG) in Germany
Date: 03/2003, Client: Robert Koch Institute Berlin (RKI) -
Development of the Training Course: “Management for District Health Systems” – Curriculum Development and Workshop Facilitation
Date: 12/2002, Client: Capacity Building International, Germany -
Workshop Facilitation: "Key Activities" - Strategy Development in Health Education and Training Programmes
Date: 12/2002, Client: Capacity Building International, Germany
Strengthening the capability of the Romanian blood transfusion system to comply with EU re-quirements for quality and safety of human blood and blood components
Date: 11/2006-02/2008, Client: German Technical Co-Operation Inter-national Services (GTZ IS) -
Restructuring of the Romanian Network of HIV/AIDS Regional Centres in order to improve prevention related activities and better access to health care for the HIV/AIDS infected people
Date: 10/2004 – 02/2006, Client: EU CFCU Romania -
Consulting Services for Planning and Regulation of the Health Care Delivery System - Training of Judet Health Managers
Date: 11 – 12/2003, Client: The Association for Social Security Policy and Re-search (GVG)
Technical assistance for recruitment of future blood donors
Date: 03/2014 – 02/2016, Client: European Commission -
Mass Media Campaign for Increasing Community Awareness on Maternal and Neonatal Health Issues
Date: 01-09/2007, Client: EU
“Don’t Give AIDS a Chance” Campaign 2014 -2015
Date: 05/2014 – 12/2015, Client: GIZ (German International Cooperation)
EuropeAid Multiple Framework Contract to Recruit Technical Assistance for Short-term Expertise for Exclusive Benefit of Third Countries Benefiting from European Commission External Aid – Lot 8 Health
Date: 01/2014 -03/2018, Client: European Commission -
PROFILE Los 1 + Los 2
Date: 01/2014-04/2016, Client: German International Cooperation (GIZ) -
Innovative training programme in the context of the Muskoka Initiative
Date: 09-12/2011, Client: German International Cooperation -
Framework Contract: Final Evaluations and Ex-post-evaluations of GIZ Programmes and Projects
Date: 06/2010 – 03/2012, Client: German In-ternational Cooperation (GIZ) -
BACKUP Strategy Paper on regional Knowledge Hubs
Date: 08-11/2009, Client: GTZ (German Tech-nical Co-operation) Backup Initiative -
Developing Guidance on Conducting Joint AIDS Programme Reviews - UNAIDS
Date: 10/2007-03/2008, Client: UNAIDS -
Review of ECHO's approach to HIV/AIDS in Emergency and Protracted crisis operations
Date: 06-10/2004, Client: GERMAX Gerli Ltd. -
Evaluation of the “Physician – Programme” of InWEnt
Date: 02-04/2003, Client: Capacity Building International, Germany -
Training course for the dissemination of the WHO guidelines on HIV and STI prevention and treatment among MSM and transgender people
Date: 11-12/2012; 11/2013-06/2014, Client: GIZ (German International Cooperation)
Framework contract services for the implementation of EU external aid (SIEA): Implementation of short-term assignments – Lot 4 (Human development and safety net)
Date: 06/2018 - 12/2023, Client: European Commission