New project in Central Africa
Since the end of the summer, Health Focus has started a new project. The aim is to implement a study to assess the knowledge, attitudes and practices (KAP) of young people and adolescents regarding reproductive health, including HIV prevention, in four countries: Cameroon, the Republic of Congo, the Central African Republic and Chad. This study is part of the KfW funded PPSAC project ( "Projet Prévention du VIH/SIDA en Afrique Central"), which among other things aims to increase condom use, particularly by supporting the social marketing of condoms, and acceptance of people living with HIV/AIDS.
The study consists of a literature review and a mixed survey, i.e. with a quantitative and qualitative component. It targets young people aged 15-24 and will attempt to assess changes in their knowledge, attitudes and behaviours regarding condom use, knowledge and awareness of HIV/AIDS and stigma against people living with HIV/AIDS.
To carry out this project, Health Focus works with local partners in the four countries.