AWARE Expert Pool for human rights and gender equality with technical expertise, especially for advice to organs of the African Union
Context and Objectives:
The BMZ commissioned GIZ to implement a project on “Promotion of Human Rights and Women’s Empowerment in Africa (AWARE)”. Through a gender-transformative and human rights-based approach the Project is implemented within the broader context of AU-German Government Development Cooperation in collaboration with partners including the AU Human Rights Organs and the AUC Women Gender and Youth Directorate (WGYD), as well as the Department of Political Affairs, Peace and Security (PAPS).
Objective: To support AU and continental civil society, including women’s organisations/ networks in the implementation of measures that promote human rights and gender equality and women's empowerment in Africa.
Output 1: The capacities of the AU and other actors to protect and promote women’s rights in Africa are strengthened.
Output 2: The capacities of the relevant AU actors to improve women’s access to economic resources are strengthened.
Output 3: Women’s equal participation in economic and political decision-making processes at continental, regional and national levels is strengthened.
Content: Health Focus executes the following, covering output 1,2 and 3:
Output 1:
- Support the implementation of measures aimed at protecting and promoting women’s and girls’ rights in Africa.
- Development of action plans, strategies, reports, studies including recommendations and policy briefs on the status of human rights protection and promotions in Africa.
- Facilitate events on the promotion and protection of women’s and girls’ rights in Africa.
- Support the operationalization of the AU Women and Youth Financial and Economic Inclusion Initiative, among other processes related to women’s access to economic resources.
- Provide consulting services towards the development of action plans, strategies, reports, studies, including recommendations or policy briefs on women’s financial and economic empowerment in Africa.
- Facilitate events, including trainings, advocacy campaigns, strategic meetings and workshops on women's access to economic resources.
- Support the implementation of the AU Women in Politics Programme and documentation of best practices on women’s participation in decision-making processes.
- Facilitate events, including strategic planning retreats for the Governance and Conflict Prevention Directorate, workshops and trainings on women’s participation in political processes.
- Support organisational development measures, including staff mentorship.
- Design advocacy campaigns and trainings on strategic litigation on human rights, specifically women’s rights or rights of persons with disabilities.
- Develop recommendations and policy briefs to strengthen and support women’s representation in political and economic decision- making processes.
Type of services provided:
- Mobilisation and onboarding of team leader and expert pools covering all the 3 pools.
- Steering measures and communications with implementing partners
- Desk review of existing materials (including AWARE project materials)
- Technical backstopping of the project and quality assurance of deliverables
- Project administration, monitoring and supervision in line with the GIZ instruments
- Coordination with GIZ and relevant stakeholders
- Project management: manage travels, trainings, costs, and expenditure, etc.
- Documentation and Reporting
- Knowledge sharing and lesson learnt documentation.