Joint Research Project: Improving Governance and Strategic Coordination of HIV and TB Programmes in Kyrgyzstan

Coordination of policy development and conception, funding, implementation and follow up of programs, projects, and activities related to HIV, AIDS, Tuberculosis or Malaria at country level considers different sectors and stakeholders. In order to facilitate the access to funding, coordination, grant making and grant implementation, the Global Fund to fight AIDS, TB and Malaria (GF) ) has defined criteria for existing country coordinating mechanism putting emphasis on actif participation of constituencies such as governmental and bi- and multilateral institutions, civil society, private sector and faith based organizations. Most of the existing coordination mechanisms at country level did not fulfill these criteria and it seemed easier to create GF specific mechanisms, CCMs, to meet GF conditions for grant request submission and funding. Since 2002/2003, CCMs cover the following functions:

  • Ensuring linkages and consistency between Global Fund grants and other national health and development programs;
  • Ensuring multi stakeholder involvement in the development of the responses to HIV and AIDS, as well as TB and Malaria;
  • Coordination of development of national proposals for donor funding;
  • Nomination of Principal Recipients;
  • Oversight of implementation of the approved grants and submission of requests for continued funding;
  • Approval of any reprogramming requests.

Over the last 12 years, CCMs have been GF specific and additional coordination structures parallel to others in most of the partner countries. Key CCM specificities are the multisectoriality of coordination, the formalized and effective involvement of civil society in policy, strategy and grant development and implementation. Although representatives of other country wide coordinating structures are presented in the CCM, harmonization of approaches and activities as well as alignment of administrative and governance procedures remain a major challenge.

Triggered by the Paris declaration and the Accra Agenda on aid effectiveness there is a general concern of the importance of harmonized coordination at country level. Today, stakeholders in many countries see the necessity to harmonize and align coordination to national governance processes based on national strategies and disease specific programs. In addition, the funding landscape is changing rapidly and GF and other funding mechanisms for health and social services are increasingly seeking for synergies to improve effectiveness, efficiency, predictability, planning and follow-up of their financial contributions to country owned programs.

The Kyrgyz Republic is about to develop its new joint concept note on TB and HIV (GF) supporting the national TB and HIV programs. The State Government has recently created a new overarching health coordination structure, the Public Health Coordination Council (PHCC). Since 2006, the State Government (KG) together with the World Bank (WB), the Swiss Development Cooperation (SDC) and the German Development Bank (KfW)s are effectively joining there financial contributions in the Health SWAp.

A feasibility study on integration of CCM functions into existing coordinating structures has been initiated by the Kyrgyz Government and international donor organizations and jointly financed by the Global Fund and Swiss Development Cooperation. The study team started working in Kyrgyzstan end of October 2014 after a briefing meeting in Geneva. This study will be implemented until mid December 2014 and the results will be used in the process of improving coordination within the health and social sectors in Kyrgyzstan.