Support to the regional HIV Knowledge Hubs in Africa


The project “Support to the knowledge Hubs in Africa” is part of the GTZ/WHO partnership, in which the concept “Knowledge Hubs” (KHs) was developed. The overall duration of which was 5 years (09/2002-12/2008). The overall objective is that governmental and civil society organisations are able to use, in selected countries, the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria and other related initiatives for the reduction of health, social and economic consequences of HIV&AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria in a better way.


Within the scope of the GTZ/WHO collaboration, the project “Support to the KHs in Africa” has been financed by the GTZ Backup Initiative.

KHs are either local or regional institutions, or single specialists, active in the area of HIV&AIDS knowledge management. They are quite diverse in organisational structure and stage of development but share having a focus on HIV&AIDS treatment and care based on the IMAI concept. They are based in Senegal, Kenya, Uganda, Burkina Faso, South Africa and Sudan. Knowledge management includes technical assistance and counselling; vocational and advanced training; development of professional networks and the adaptation and spread of different materials in the fight against HIV&AIDS.

The technical support provided by Health Focus ranges from initial assessments of the functioning of the existing KHs and identification of support needs to conceptual and organizational development support and promotion of experience exchange with the East Europe and Central Asian HIV KHs focused on treatment, harm reduction and second generation HIV surveillance.


  • Assessment of the functioning of the existing Knowledge Hubs and identification of support needs through the different site visits.
  • Conceptual and organisational development support for the African Knowledge Hub networks.
  • Organisation and implementation of seminars and workshops promoting the exchange of experiences among the different knowledge Hubs, GTZ and WHO representatives as well as the elaboration of annual business plans: joint workshop on monitoring & evaluation; regional workshops (East/Southern and West Africa);
  • Coordination and organisation of the participation of African KH representatives at the WHO conference on HIV Collaborating Centres in 2009
  • Support regarding the presentation of the KHs at international conferences (satellite meetings at the International AIDS Conference in 2008, ICASA in 2008 and International AIDS Conference in 2010); for the design and maintenance of individual and joint websites and newsletters
  • Technical assistance for improvement of impact monitoring
  • Needs assessment among actual and potential Knowledge Hub clients
  • Management of financing of Knowledge Hubs key functions, material translations and document printing
  • Contribution to studies and workshops as resource person on KH networks
  • Reporting