Strengthening the German contribution to the global AIDS response – Making Global Finance Work for Women and Girls

Objectives of the exploratory project:

To identify and document lessons learnt with relevant development partners, in particular the GFATM on the type of capacity development needed at country level

  • to empower organisations delivering AIDS programmes that work for women and/or reduce gender inequalities that fuel the epidemic to access global finance and contribute to shaping their national AIDS responses
  • to make GFATM processes at country level, including CCM, more gender-responsive

Specific objectives:

To provide technical advice and support to the local partner organisation in the implementation of the capacity development and advocacy plans, as well as the ongoing documentation of the project experiences and results with the targeted organisation partner (ToRs).


The programme called ‘Making global finance work for women and girls’ is part of the Gender Initiative launched by the German Government during the Replenishment Conference of the Global Fund in 2006. The overall programme’s goal is to improve the health status of selected high-risk, disadvantaged groups. The programme comprises two components:

  1. Gender Mainstreaming in Global Fund procedures and instruments;
  2. Promotion of demand at country level, enabling projects which address gender gaps and/or empower women and girls to access resources of the GF and to improve the quality of program implementation by offering technical support and capacity development

The exploratory project in Malawi is a collaboration of the BACKUP initiative and the supraregional AIDS project. Health Focus was responsible for the coordination, monitoring and documentation of an initial assessment of the civil society organisation Family Planning Association of Malawi, FPAM, an IPPF member association, and the national AIDS coordinating bodies (including CCMs) in Malawi.

  • Preparing the assessment mission, contacting key stakeholders and organising appointments the relevant representatives of the national AIDS programmes, CCMs, networks of PLWH, organizations of women living with HIV and others, such as women’s rights activists;
  • Providing relevant background information on policies, programmes, and information related to gender and HIV
  • Support and assist the documentation of the initial mission and the development of the operational plan
  • Finalizing the operational plan with FPAM in accordance with the assessment results and draft operational plan designed during the mission.
  • Supporting the report writing of the assessment mission by providing additional information on key international and regional initiatives promoting women’s leadership and participation in the shaping of local, regional and international AIDS responses,
  • Providing a list of key tools and guidelines manuals for civil society organizations on how to develop project proposals and how to access global funding, to exchange and collate with the other consultant in Uganda
  • Read, comment and complement the report of the initial mission
  • Provide technical support to the implementation of the OP
  • Propose indicators and means to monitor and evaluate the agreed capacity development measures together with the consultant responsible for the initial assessment and the consultant responsible for the Uganda component
  • Monitor and document the experiences and results in the first 2 months of the project