Rwanda Demobilisation and Reintegration Programme (RDRP)


  • Review current Medical Rehabilitation structures and systems with a view to streamlining project rollout and successful implementation. Hence determining step-by-step sub-project critical activities and completion times.
  • Define the sub-project specific implementation procedures.
  • Design and elaborate a cost effective M&E system and tools for the sub-project, which should necessarily include: determining cohort characteristics for disability assessment, impact analysis, etc.
  • Elaborate smooth and cost effective communication structures for all stakeholders.
  • Design and elaborate a proper reporting system to all stakeholders taking into account their diverse interests.
  • Produce a report in form of sub-project Implementation Manual that includes the Financial Procedures acceptable to both KfW and RDRC.


The overall objective of the RDRP Stage I, started in 1997 by the Government of Rwanda (GoR), was to reduce the National Army to a size that is economically sustainable and to re-allocate the savings to priority socio-economic sectors. In the interest of National Reconciliation, the second stage of the Programme, designed and financing secured for the period 2002-2005, takes into consideration the ex-FAR and members of ex-Armed Groups apart from the Rwanda Defense Forces (RDF). The programme aims at successfully supporting social and economic reintegration of ex-combatants into their communities of return, and to have them contribute to such national obligations as national unity, security and socio-economic development. This shall be achieved through a five-component programme approach, focusing on demobilization, reinsertion, reintegration, addressing special needs of vulnerable ex-combatants, and strengthening institutional capacities for effective programme management.

  • Technical assistance during project start up;
  • Project implementation and monitoring;
  • Design and elaboration of M&E system and tools;
  • Design and elaboration of a reporting system;
  • Development of a project implementation manual;
  • Rehabilitation counseling;
  • Disability evaluation;
  • Field visit;
  • Interviews with the RDRC, the MRU, governmental institutions, donors, other organizations as well with service providers and beneficiaries;
  • Facilitation of a participatory project planning workshop.