Promotion of the Workplace Programme in the Education Sector


To support the implementation of the workplace programme in the education sector (e.g. at the decentralized education administration level as well as at selected schools and teacher training institutions). The project supports the HIV&AIDS response in the education sector in accordance with the national education sector plan and the national HIV&AIDS strategy.


The project implemented by the consortium Health Focus/ ICON was part of GIZ’s programme “Promotion of primary education and vocational training in Mozambique” with the overall objective: Children, adolescents, and in particular girls and young women receive good quality primary education oriented to their living conditions, and good quality employment-oriented vocational training. The project pursues a multi-level approach. The experience made at province and district level were fed in the sector dialogue at national level.

Health Focus/ ICON supported the Ministry of Education (MoE), its Directorate for Human Resources and its sub-national structures (in particular schools) through technical assistance, trainings, workshops and studies in order to improve and extend a gender-sensitive workplace programme and their interventions at national and decentralized level in the three target provinces Sofala, Inhambane and Manica. This includes prevention.

Tasks include:

  • Reactivation of and institutional support for HIV Prevention Focal Points at the provincial administrations of the education sector and teacher training institutions in close coordination with the MoE;
  • Development and facilitation of innovative and creative capacity development activities for the HIV Prevention Focal Points at national, provincial, district and school level of the education sector and development of a facilitator manual;
  • Development, production and distribution of IEC/BCC materials (design and production of an IEC calendar for the Focal Points, of movies and a radio programme) in the field of HIV prevention, positive living, gender equity, sexual transmitted diseases and chronic diseases and introduction of new participatory behaviour change communication methods for motivating teaching forces and public servants of the Mozambican education sector;
  • Providing and improving access to anonymous HIV testing in close coordination with local units of the Ministry of Health;
  • Supporting the integration of workplace programme as well as educational measures of HIV/AIDS sensitization in the annual plans of the District Administrations for Education, Youth and Technology (Serviço Distrital de Educação, Juventude e Tecnologia, SDEJT) in the target provinces.