Multi-sectoral HIV Programme – Improving Adolescent and Youth-Friendly Services
The aim of the project “Improving adolescent and youth-friendly services” is that the Provincial Health Office and its partners implement models for a better adaptation of basic health care services to the needs of adolescents (10-14 years) and young people (15-24 years).
The consortium Health Focus/Enhancing Care Foundation is responsible for the implementation of the service package “Improving adolescent and youth-friendly services” as part of GIZ’s Multisectoral HIV Programme in South Africa. The project complements interventions aiming at improving HIV knowledge and preventive behaviours of young people by appropriate service provision. It stepwise develops and implements models for better responsiveness of basic health care services to the needs of adolescents and youth.
The project is expected to establish adolescent and youth friendly health care services, oriented towards the specific needs of the target group, through
- Improving pre-service training of nurses/midwives and other health services providers
- Improving skills, knowledge and attitudes of health staff already providing services for youth
- Inducing change by applying a quality management approach to health service delivery using the relevant National Primary Health Care Standards
- Participation of youth
- Enhancing cooperation and coordination between the schools, NGOs targeting youth, the public and private health care services in cooperation with local AIDS Councils
- Generating evidence for good service delivery and cooperation models and promoting them for scale-up.
The project caters for approximately 140,000 adolescents and youth in the two target sub-districts Nyandeni in District O.R.Tambo and Umzimbuvu in District Alfred Nzo.
- Selection, mobilisation and supervision of international and national long-term and short-term experts and personnel;
- Technical support to the Provincial Department of Health and relevant stakeholders (in particular the Regional Training Center and the Lilitha College of Nursing);
- Implementation of activities in close collaboration with key stakeholders and partner institutions (e.g. conception, preparation and realisation of situation analysis, workshops and trainings);
- Operational research (e.g. baseline study), monitoring and evaluation (M&E) to enhance evidence-based strategic and operational decision-making;
- Project administration, monitoring and supervision in line with the GIZ instruments (including local subsidy contract management);
- Establishment and maintenance of a project office;
- Coordination with GIZ;
- Technical backstopping of the project/ quality assurance of deliverables;
- Contribution to GIZ’s Knowledge management (Collating project experience and best practice examples);
- Regular reporting to the client and partners.