HIV/AIDS Control Project in Mozambique
The national strategy to fight HIV and AIDS is increasingly implemented in all 3 provinces Inhambane, Sofala and Manica:
- sexual education and HIV/AIDS sensitisation of primary and secondary school pupils
- increasing use of contraceptives – male and female condoms
The particular vulnerability of young people to HIV/AIDS makes it one of the most important health issues for the media to tackle. The HIV/AIDS control project in Mozambique foresees the development and use of media programmes and participatory approaches (radio, film spots, “Joint in the Circuit”) as an ideal vehicle for promoting frank discussion of sexual practices, conveying images of AIDS, promoting informed discussion, dispelling false information. The project develops innovative cultural sensitive approaches to pass HIV/AIDS information to young people like traditional initiation rituals.
Target group: population of the project provinces Sofala and Maputo with focus on women in age of procreation and young people.
- Project management and implementation;
- Technical assistance and training;
- Conduction of studies as well as beneficiary surveys;
- Constant exchange with the client (GTZ), the local authorities in Mozambique, the consortium partner AGEG and the expert team in Maputo;
- Continuous technical backstopping of the project team by the Health Focus head office;
- Project monitoring and evaluation.