Health system strengthening and support to the HIV response in DRC (PRSS)
Objective: The project’s objective is to take into account the challenges of significant external funding targeting the health system of the DR Congo. The added value of the project is therefore the contribution to improved efficiency and efficacy of DRC’s health system, including its peripheral management structures.
Content: The project is composed of four components: Component 1: Combat endemic diseases through integrated care at provincial and district levels; Component 2: Quality improvement of health services; Component 3: Improving the accessibility of health services; Component 4: Strengthening partners’ management structures of the coordination of national stakeholders and international donors.
The project strategy is to provide technical advice to structures of the national health system aiming at improving the effectiveness and efficiency of services on all levels of the health pyramid.
National level: support the MoH in the areas of health system development, management and coordination of the sector’s fund and coordination of technical and financial partners engaged in the health sector. Focus is put on technical and financial support of the development process of the new directorate for administration and finance within the MoH (DAF, CAG, and CGPMP).
Provincial and operational level: support to the sector’s management structures, particularly in the areas of planning, programming, allocation and justification of financial expenditure while improving the population’s access to quality health services.
South Kivu: Provision of technical support to i) the DPS in coordinating important donors and organisations that are promoting health care delivery with a focus on SRH including HIV and AIDS using the SQI approach (systemic quality improvement) in close cooperation with other partners such as JICA, UNICEF, USAID, DFID, and ii) to governmental structures and civil society organisations engaged in combating SGBV using the SQI approach for accreditation of NGOs actives in the field.
Kwango: i) promotion of health insurance and systems of health risk sharing, ii) introduction of harmonised approach of health service quality insurance, based on the SQI approach combined with the Kaizen 5S (JICA) approach and the ‘improved monitoring mechanism’ promoted by UNICEF, iii) health promotion and promotion of sexual and reproductive rights, including sexual violence, HIV and AIDS and other communicable diseases, and iv) Support to the district management team for transparent and efficient management of funds made available for the implementation of the district operational action plan.
- Selection, mobilisation and supervision of international and national long-term and short-term experts as well as support staff;
- Close consultation and cooperation with main stakeholders on management approaches concerning the financing of the sector and improved access to services and service quality;
- Contribution to donor coordination in the health sector;
- Assurance of continuous technical support, training and retraining measures, support in organizational development, quality management of MoH services on central and peripheral levels;
- Effective contribution to the process of aligning donor approaches to national strategies in force in DRC; transparent, direct and effective transfer of funds and responsibilities to the provinces, districts and health zones;
- Operational research, M&E;
- Project administration, monitoring and supervision in line with the GIZ instruments (including local subsidy contract management);
- Coordination with GIZ office in the DRC, partner institutions and multi- and bilateral donors;
- Regular reporting to the client and partners.