Formulation of Terms of Reference for the Joint Evaluation of the Health Sector Programme in Tanzania
- To assist in drafting the Terms of Reference for the Joint Evaluation of the Health Sector Programme including the Health Sector Strategic Plan, the implementation framework, the funding modalities, the coordination mechanisms between development partners, the structure for policy dialogue
- To take part in the discussions regarding the procurement of consultancy services and the management of the evaluation study
The conduction of an external sector evaluation of cooperation within the Health Sector in Tanzania is planned by DANIDA to feed its input into the Health Sector Strategic Plan covering 2008-15. As there is a very close partnership and joint funding mechanisms to the health sector within a sector wide approach, the evaluation has been proposed as a joint evaluation. External consultancy assistance is required to support the Evaluation Department during the preparation
· Review of relevant programme reports, reviews and study results and other available documents;
· Participation in meetings with the Ministry of Health and other relevant Tanzanian government and non-government authorities as well as representatives of the Development Partners in Tanzania;
· Discussions, interviews and field visits;
· Contribution to the preparation of the draft Terms of Reference;
· Input to the preparation of the final Terms of Reference throughout the approval process.