Abidjan – Lagos Transport Corridor HIV/AIDS Project


Proposal development for the technical and administrative support to the World Bank financed HIV/AIDS project along the Abidjan Lagos Transport Corridor

Design of the technical and administrative support structure to the executive secretariat of the regional HIV/AIDS project. This project has been implemented since 2004 and shows significant results in prevention of HIV/AIDS transmission among the mobile population along the corridor and the population living in the border towns. As a regional project the institutional and organisational set up as well as the introduction of commonly agreed administrative, communication and reporting structure had been a major challenge. The commonly agreed HIV/AIDS prevention and care strategies of the 5 countries concerned have been harmonised efficiently. The project is now entering into the second phase. Funds are expected from the GFATM.

Assistance to the project team during the writing process of the proposal:

  • Technical assistance for proposal writing;
  • Preparation of the financial component of the project;
  • Organisation of a validation forum to ratify the final proposal;
  • Field mission.