Antimicrobial resistance and Stewardship Stakeholders Meeting in Liberia
Health Focus GmbH has been assigned by the GIZ to support the implementation of the National Anti-Microbial Resistance Strategy in Liberia, as part of the Liberian-German Health Programme “Health System Strengthening and Epidemic Prevention in Liberia (HESSP)”. Health Focus partners with the University Hospital Münster for this project.
AMR Sentinel Surveillance and Antimicrobial Stewardship (AMS) Programmes were piloted in three counties of the Southeast in line with national strategies and international standards. The focus of this networked approach is Southeast Liberia, with samples being collected from the county hospitals in Grand Kru, Maryland and River Gee being transported for testing to the new microbiology lab at JJ Dossen Hospital.
A 2-day National Stakeholders Meeting on Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) and Antimicrobial Stewardship (AMS) was held at the Golden Key Hotel, Robert Field Highway, Monrovia from 21-22 January 2021. Participants consisted mainly of officials from the Liberian Ministry of Health (MoH), the National Public Health Laboratory of Liberia (NPHIL), the National Reference Laboratory (NRL), and members of the County Health Teams (CHTs) from Maryland, River Gee and Grand Kru Counties. Representatives of International Development Agencies and Partners in Liberia (WHO, USAID, GIZ, PIH) also participated. In all, 32 participants attended the meeting, and the following objectives were greatly achieved:
- Updated knowledge on AMR/AMS - Global, National & Southeastern Liberia;
- A knowledge of active partners in AMR/AMS in Liberia and collaboration;
- A review of AMR surveillance and AMS implementation in three Southeastern Counties;
- Better understanding of AMR-IPC-Lab Quality interactions;
- Possible sustainability beyond current project life span;
- Lessons learnt from local and international experiences in the field.